• Users: Overview
  • Text Guide
    • Search for users by tags

Users: Overview

Users belong to the category of master data in the application. Users have to authenticate themselves to access the application (Web and Mobile) with a valid username and password. Every user will be assigned a role during creation. Based on the role of the user, capabilities, and limitations are defined for accessing the application.

Application supports following user roles

  • Superuser
  • Administrator
  • Manager
  • Operator

Superusers can access any domain and have no any restrictions for accessing the application. While administrators, managers, and operators are created and operate on domain level and accessing capabilities will be based on the domain permissions and configurations. Apart from domains to which users are part of, they can be added to other (accessible) domains.


Navigate to the Setup Users page

  1. Click on the Setup tab on the main menu
  2. Click on Users in the drop-down menu
  3. View all the users 

Filter users by user tags

1. Click on the down arrow to expand the filters

2. Click on User tags

3. Select a tag from the drop-down list

4. View all the users with the applied tag

5. View the number of records listed on the page, and the total number of records

6. Check the box on the header row to select all records

7. Check the box on a row to select a particular record

8. View how many records there are of people with the applied user tag

9. View unique usernames

10. View full name of the users

11. View their roles within the application, this will define permissions and tasks

12. View their location

13. View users' phone numbers

14. View their last login

15. View their last mobile access

16. Click on the edit button to edit the record (See article How to edit user(s))

Combine this filter with one or more of the following filters, always keeping in mind that only records that meet ALL criteria will be displayed:

  1. Enter first name and user tag to get all users with a particular first name and who have the specified user tag
  2. Combine with role to get all users within a specific role who also have specified user tag
  3. Select user tag and select active status to view all users, only active users or disabled users
  4. Enter user tag and mobile version to get all users who are using a particular version of the application who have the specified user tag
  5. Enter mobile number and enter to and from dates to filter results by users who have logged in to the app within that date range
  6. Check the show users who never logged in box to view only users with that first name who have never logged in
  7. Enter date range filter and filter results by user tags to view all users tagged with that keyword

Other activities that can be done on this page include:

  1. Select a record
  2. Click on Send a message button to send a message to the user (See article How to send a message to user(s))
  3. Click on the Export button to export the data. The filters have implications on "Export"  users functionality also (See article How to export user(s))
  4. Click on Remove button to remove user(s) from the system (See article How to remove user(s))

5. Click on the Username to view details of the user

6. Click on the Edit icon to edit the record (See article How to edit user(s))

7. Click on the Reset button to reset all filters to default values