• Assets by location: Overview
  • View assets by location 

Assets by location: Overview

Assets can be viewed by location at the National level, and can be drilled-down to the State level and further to the District level. Geographical distribution of assets can be seen on a map, or as a list/bar graph sorted by percentage of assets in a certain temperature status in each region

The default (highest) level will be decided based on the domain's general configuration
Configuring country for the domain is mandatory to view dashboard by location


Navigate to the Dashboard

To view the dashboard, navigate to the Dashboard Overview page:

  1. Click on the Dashboards tab in the main menu
  2. Click on Overview in the drop-down list
  3. The temperature dashboard is displayed on the right

View assets by location

  1. On the temperature dashboard, click on a temperature status to view assets in that status by location
  2. Scroll down to view the map. The highlighted regions indicate the percentage of assets in the selected temperature status in those regions. At any step, clicking on a different temperature status shows the percentage of assets in that status
  3. Hover over a highlighted region to view the number of assets in the selected temperature status
  4. Click on a highlighted region on the map to drill-down to the lower echelon. At the lower echelon as well, the regions which have assets are highlighted with the percentage of assets in the selected temperature status
  5. At any step, the view can be toggled between map view and list view by clicking on the respective icon
  6. Clicking on the bar view icon shows a list of locations as a bar graph, sorted by percentage of assets in each location in the given temperature status
  7. Just as with clicking on a region on a map, clicking on a location bar drills-down to the next echelon. At the last echelon, the view is only available as a bar graph which shows the entities with the percentage of assets in the given temperature status
  8. At the last echelon, clicking on an entity in the list opens up the assets page for that entity