• Relationships filter: Overview
  • Navigate to the Assets page
  • Filter assets using Relationships filter

Relationships filter: Overview

The relationships filter allows filtering assets with or without relationships with other assets. A monitoring asset, such as a temperature logger, linked to a monitored asset, such as an ILR, signifies a relationship; the monitored asset is thus considered an asset with a relationship. If a monitored asset is not associated with a monitoring asset it is considered an asset without a relationship.


Navigate to the Assets page

To view the assets, navigate to the Assets page:

  1. Click on the Assets tab in the main menu
  2. A list of all the monitored assets will be displayed for the default filters

Filter assets using Relationships filter

  1. Select which assets, based on relationships, to show
  2. A list of all the assets for that selection will be displayed in a tabular format. If no assets exist for that selection, a 'No data available' message is shown
Assets view page can be filtered for relationships along with other filters