• Setup notifications: Overview
  • Setup notification listing

Setup notifications: Overview

Notifications are alerts that can be communicated to users, highlighting important setup/metadata events. These notifications can be communicated via SMS, email and bulletin board immediately, daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Setup notification listing

The list of events for which setup related notifications can be communicated for metadata creation, modification, deletion & inactivity.

A. Entity related notifications

  1. Entity created: When a new entity is created, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the entity tags.
  2. Entity modified: When any field in an entity's details are modified, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the entity tags.
  3. Entity deleted: When an entity has been deleted, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the entity tags.

B. User related

  1. User created : When a new user is created, a notification can be triggered. 
  2. User modified : When any field in a user's details are modified, a notification can be triggered. 
  3. User deleted : When a user has been deleted, a notification can be triggered. 

C. User activity related

  1. No user logins : When no user has logged in a domain for a specific period on the web or mobile application, a notification can be triggered. This notification can be customized on the following basis:
    • Number of days of inactivity to be considered for a domain
  2. User dormant/inactive : When any user has not logged in for a specific period on the web or mobile application, a notification can be triggered. This notification can be customized on the following basis:
    • Number of days of inactivity to be considered for a domain
  3. User login IP address matched: If a user logins from a specific IP address, a notification can be triggered. This notification can be customized on the following basis:

    • IP address that needs to be tracked

C. Material related

  1. Material created: When a new material has been added to the material master list, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the material tags. 
  2. Material modified: When any field in a material's details are modified, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the material tags.
  3. Material deleted: When a material has been deleted, a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on the material tags.

D. Inventory related

  1. Inventory created: When a new inventory item has been created (i.e., associating a material to an entity),  a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on:
    • Material tags
    • Entity tags
  2. Inventory deleted: When an inventory item has been deleted (i.e., disassociating a material from an entity),  a notification can be triggered. This can be customized based on:
    • Material tags
    • Entity tags

To configure these setup notifications, refer to this article under the configurations section.