- Transaction Reasons: Overview
- Configure transaction reasons
Transaction Reasons : Overview
Transaction Reasons refer to the specific reasons why certain transactions (issue, receipt, stock count, discard or transfer) were entered. This would be useful to get a detailed understanding of the nature of transactions.
For example: Discards can be due to expiry of materials, damage or loss. Such reasons can be pre-configured and customised, so that the users doing entering these transactions can choose them from a dropdown.
Transaction reasons can:
- be customized per type of transaction
- be different for different material tags per domain
- be made optional or mandatory
- have a maximum 500 characters and 100 characters per reason. However, it is suggested that the reasons are short and few to keep the listing user friendly
Configure transaction reasons
- Click on Configuration tab from the main menu
- Click on Inventory sub-tab from the dropdown
Navigate to the Transaction Reasons section on the page
Click on the type of transaction for which the reason needs to be provided
Type the Reasons in the sequence they are to be available for users. Ensure that commas are used between reasons without an additional space
If reasons should be made optional, insert a comma prior to the first reason
- Select Specify the material tags and corresponding reasons to have custom reasons per material tags
- Type the name of the tag under the Material Tags section and select the material from the dropdown
- Type the reasons under the Reason section in the sequence they are to be available for users. Ensure that commas are used between reasons without an additional space
- Follow similar steps to configuring reasons for all other transaction types
- Click on the trash icon next to the material tag row to delete any additional rows added
The reasons mentioned in the common reasons next to Reasons for <type of transaction> will appear for materials across all tags. Use configure by material tags option to add additional reasons only -
Click on Save button to save the changes made
A message will be displayed confirming that inventory configuration has been successfully updated