• Orders dashboard: overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to Orders dashboard
    • Orders dashboard filters
    • View Orders dashboard
    • Export data

Orders dashboard: Overview

Orders dashboard provides a graphical representation of all orders, their statuses and order response time for a selected period. Data for this dashboard is near real time and the update frequency of this data can be configured by a minimum of 30 minute difference. 

The dashboard shows charts for:

  • Orders: total numbers of orders created per day (for 30 days) or month (for 6 months)
  • Fulfilled orders: total numbers of fulfiilled orders per day (for 30 days) or month (for 6 months)
  • Pending orders: total numbers of pending orders per day (for 30 days) or month (for 6 months)
  • Order response time: total time taken from the time the order is placed until the time it is fulfilled displayed per day (for 30 days) or month (for 6 months)


Navigate to the Orders Dashboard

  1. Click on Dashboard in the main menu
  2. Click on Orders from the drop-down list

Orders dashboard filters

The dashboard display period can be selected using the following filters:

  1. Monthdisplays last 6 month data from the selected month, current month is selected as default month 
  2. Daydisplays last 30 days data from the selected datecurrent day is selected as default date

View Orders dashboard

1. Click on the Orders tab to view the graph displaying the number of orders created per month/day. By default this view is selected

2. Click on the Fulfilled Orders tab to view the graph displaying the number of fulfilled orders per month/day

3. Click on the Pending Orders tab to view the graph displaying the number of penfing orders per month/day

4. Click on the Orders response time tab to view the graph displaying the time taken per month/day

5. View the last refresh time i.e, the time when the dashboard was last updated

6. The upward or downward arrow and the % next to it indicate increase or decrease in value between the selected month/day and the previous month/day

Export Orders dashboard

1. Click on the icon on the top right corner of the bar chart
2. Choose the option to download the chart in a specific file format. The downloaded chart will be saved on the computer. The options available are: 

  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • PDF
  • SVG
  • XLS