• Date filter: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Discrepancies page
    • Filter using From-To date fileds

Date filter: Overview

The From and To date fields create parameters to list order discrepancies associated with orders created within the specified start and end dates.

Navigate to the Discrepancies page

  1. Click on the Orders tab in the main menu
  2. Select Discrepancies from the drop-down list
  3. View a list of all discrepancies across orders, across entities

Filter using From-To date fields

  1. Click on the down arrow to view additional filers

2. Click on the From field to get a calendar and select the starting date from which you want to filter results

3. Click on the To field to get a calendar and select the end date

4. View a listing of discrepancies associated with orders created within the specified date range

5. If there are more than 50 listings, use the double arrow on the top right of the table to load more

6. Export this information using the Export button