• Order discrepancies: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Discrepancies page
    • View order discrepancies
    • Filter order discrepancies 
    • Export order discrepancies

Order discrepancies: Overview

There are three types of order discrepancies:

  1. Ordering discrepancy, which is the discrepancy due to the ordered quantity being different from the recommended quantity
  2. Shipping discrepancy, which is the discrepancy due to the shipped quantity being different from the ordered quantity
  3. Fulfilment discrepancy, which is the discrepancy due to the received quantity being different from the shipped quantity


Navigate to the Discrepancies page

  1. Click on the Orders tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Discrepancies sub-tab from the drop-down list
  3. View a list of order discrepancies across orders, across entities

View order discrepancies

1. The order discrepancies are listed in a tabular format with the following information:

a. Sl.No: discrepancies are listed in a chronological order, with the latest one on top

b. Order ID: unique ID to track all orders. Click on the order ID to view all the details of the order

c. Material: the material for which discrepancy occurred. Click on the material name to view all the details of the material

d. Recommend: quantity of material which should have been ordered to achieve normal stock levels

e. Ordered: quantity of material that was ordered. Hover on the information icon (i) next to the number, IF ANY, to find out the reason for overriding recommended quantity

f. Shippedquantity that has been shipped out, this can be partial shipment (part of the ordered amount) or a complete shipment. Hover on the information icon (i) next to the number, IF ANY,  to find out the reason for partial shipment 

g. Fulfilled: quantity that has been fulfilled. Hover on the information icon (i) next to the number, IF ANY,  to find out the reason for partial fulfilment  

h. Status: the status of the order: pending, confirmed, shipped, fulfilled, cancelled, backordered

i Customer: the facility to which the shipment is headed. Click on the customer name to view the details of the customer

j. Vendor: the entity sending the material. Click on the vendor name to view the details of the vendor

k. Number of discrepancies: indicates how many discrepancies are listed on the page, and the total count

Filter order discrepancies 

The order discrepancies list can be customised as per requirement, using the following filters:

  1. Click on the down arrow to view additional filters

2. Entity: lists order discrepancies at the selected entity 

3. Material: lists order discrepancies for the selected material

4. Discrepancy: filters the list by selected type of discrepancy (ordering, shipping, fulfilling)

5. Exclude transfer orders: lists ONLY sales and purchase order discrepancies

6. Order: lists the order discrepancies of the selected order 

7. From: lists the order discrepancies of orders created since the selected date

8. To: lists the order discrepancies of orders created until the selected date

9. Entity tags: lists order discrepancies of orders created by entities tagged with selected option

10. Material tags: lists the order discrepancies involving the selected group of material 

11. Click on the up arrow to collapse the filters header

Export order discrepancies

  1. Click on the Export button to export the entire record of transfers or a subset with the filters you specify

2. A pop-up window will appear to confirm whether you want to export order discrepancies, as per selected criteria, to the registered email address. Click OK to continue or Cancel to abort the export

3. On clicking OK another pop-up message appears to confirm that the record has been emailed to the registered email address