• Shipments: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Shipments page
    • View shipments
    • Filter shipments 

Shipments: Overview

A shipment is created when an order is fully or partially shipped. It contains all details of the order shipped or yet to be shipped. 


NOTE : a. For fully shipped orders, a shipment is automatically created

         b. For partially shipped orders, a shipment has to be manually created

         c. For manually created shipments, they have to processed similar to purchase or sales orders

         d. Shipments can have multiple statuses like pending, shipped, fulfilled or cancelled


Navigate to the Shipments page

  1. Click on the Orders tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Shipments sub-tab from the drop-down list
  3. View a list of all shipments across orders, across entities

View Shipments

1. The shipments will be displayed in a tabular format with the following fields: 

a. Sl.No: shipments are listed in a chronological order, where the latest shipment orders are listed on top

b. Shipment ID: each shipment has it's own ID which is an extension of the order ID

c. Order ID: a unique ID assigned to an order upon creation. Click on the order ID to view all the details of the order

d. Number of items: number of items associated with the shipment

e. Customer: the entity to which the shipment is headed. Click on the customer name to view the details of the customer

f. Vendor: the entity sending the material. Click on the vendor name to view the details of the vendor

g. Statusthe status of the shipment: pending, shipped, fulfilled, cancelled

h. Created on: user who created the shipment order. Click on the name of the user to view the details of the user

i.  Number of rows: indicates how many rows of information are listed on the page, and the total count. If there are more than 50 shipments, then use the forward arrow to load more shipments 

2. Click on a row to view details of the shipment

3. View the following details on the detailed shipments page:

a. Shipment ID: the ID associated with the selected shipment

b. Order ID: the parent order ID. Click on the order ID to view details of the order

c. Shipment update details: shipment creation time, created by, last update time and updated by details 

d. Status: status of the shipment 

e. Customer: entity who placed the order

f.  Vendor: entity who is dispatching the shipment

g. Details: transportation details of the shipment

h. Material: items associated with the shipment

i. Ordered: quantity ordered 

j. Shipped: quantity shipped

k. Comments: view comments associated with the order

l.  Show status history: history of updates on the shipment

Filter shipments

  1. Click on the down arrow to view additional filters

2. The shipments listing can be customised using the following filters: 

a. Customer: filter by customers who have received/are due to receive shipments

b. Vendor: filter by vendors who have shipped/ are due to ship materials to customers

c. Status: filter by status of the shipment: pending, shipped, fulfilled, cancelled

d. Tracking ID: search by the unique tracking ID of the shipment

e. From: use the drop down calendar to select a specific start date from which you want to see shipments

f. To: use the drop down calendar to select a specific end date until which you want to see shipments

g. From Expected Fulfilment: use the drop down calendar to select a specific start date from which you want to see shipments which were fulfilled

h. To Expect Fulfilment: use the drop down calendar to select a specific end date until which you want to see shipments which were fulfilled 

i. Transporter: search all shipments delivered by transporter

3. Use the up arrow to collapse the additional filters