• Transfer status: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Transfers page
    • Filter Transfer orders by Status

Transfer Status: Overview

From the time of creation to fulfilment, a transfer order progresses through different statuses, depending on its movement through supply chain. The different statuses are

  • Pending: newly created orders which are yet to confirmed by the vendor
  • Confirmed: orders acknowledged by the vendor
  • Shipped: orders dispatched by the vendor
  • Fulfilled: orders physically received by the customer
  • Backordered: orders partially dispatched by the vendor
  • Cancelled: order cancelled by a vendor or a customer

The Status filter on Transfers page will provide a list of transfer orders currently in selected status. The default selection is All.


Navigate to the Transfers page

  1. Click on the Orders tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Transfers sub-tab from the drop-down list
  3. View a list of all transfer orders across entities

Filter Transfer orders by Status

  1. Click on the Status field and select an option from the drop-down list

2. View a list of transfer orders with the selected status

3. Click on the Export button to export the information to the registered email address

Combine status filtering with Entity and From-To date range. Only orders that meet ALL selected criteria are shown, not those that meet ANY selected criteria

4. Click on a row to open up all the details of the transfer order

5. View all the details of the selected transfer order