• Entity filters: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Transfers page
    • Filter using Entity field
    • Filter using Entity tags

Entity filters: Overview

There are two ways to filter transfer orders by entities on the Transfers page:

  1. Entity: This field provides a filtered list of the transfer orders for a specified entity
  2. Entity Tag: This drop-down index provides a filtered list of transfer orders for a specified group of entities


Navigate to the Transfers page

  1. Click on the Orders tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Transfers sub-tab from the drop-down list
  3. View A list of all transfers will be displayed on the screen

Filter using Entity field

  1. Enter the first few alphabets of the entity in the Entity field
  2. Select an entity from the list that appears

3. View transfer orders specific to the selected entity, displayed in a tabular format. By default Outgoing transfer orders are listed

4. Click on the Outgoing-Incoming button to view outgoing and incoming transfer orders separately

5. Click on Export to export the transfer listings to registered mail address

NOTE: Orders can be filtered additionally as follows using one or both of the following filters:
  • Status - pending, confirmed, backordered, shipped, fulfilled, cancelled
  • Date range - select a date From which to view orders To a specific end date

Filter using Entity Tags

  1. Click on the down arrow button to view additional filters

2. Click on the down arrow button next to Entity Tags 

3. Select a tag from the drop-down list. By default, All is selected

4. A list of transfer orders within all entities with the applied tag will be displayed in a tabular format, click on any row to open up the details of that transfer

5. Click on the Export button to export the data to your registered email address