• Transfers inventory trends report: Overview
  • Navigate to the Inventory trends report page
  • Inventory trends reports filters
  • View inventory trends of transfers
  • Export inventory trends report

Inventory trends report: Overview

Inventory trends transfers report shows a graph of the inventory trends of receipts over a chosen period of time. Clicking on a month bar/line opens up another graph for that specific month. The trend can be shown for five years.

Navigate to the Inventory trends report page

  1. Click on the Reports tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Inventory trends sub-tab from the available options
  3. A list of the available reports will appear on the left side of the screen under the Reports tab, and the Inventory trends report can be selected from there too

Inventory trends report filters

  1. Material Name: (MANDATORY) filter trends for a single material
  2. State Name: state-wise pattern for the selected material
  3. District/County: district or county-wise pattern for the selected material
  4. Entity Group: filter reporting by a group of entities/stores
  5. Entity: inventory trends of a single entity
  6. Entity Tag: view inventory trends within all entities within the same jurisdiction
  7. From and To date fields: view inventory trends from a specific date until a specific date
  8. Click on the Reset button to reset all filters to default values

Inventory trends overview

  1. The screen will display the various filter options available to extract specific information, enter the first alphabet(s) of the material name in the Material field (MANDATORY) 
  2. Select a material from the drop-down menu that appears
  3. Click on Reset if you want to change filter criteria

  4. Add any other optional filters and click on the Get Report button

  5. The Overview sub-tab is the default page on the Inventory trends menu, the screen will display an overview of inventory trends across all entities in a graph format

  6. Click the Transfers tabs to navigate to the Transfers page

  7. The graph will highlight the closing stock and stock adjustments for the selected material over a particular duration

  8. The x-axis of the graph displays the months. Click on any months’ bar line to see the daily trends in the month

  9. The y-axis of the graph displays the quantity of material

  10. Download the report to the local system as a CSV
  11. Click on the small list icon to export the report as a PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG or XLS
  12. Click on the Table icon 

  13. View data in a tabular format

  14. View the following details in the table:

    1. Date: date of the record

    2. Transfers: total number of transfers. Each transfer results in three records - a transfer, an issue and a receipt 

  15. Click on Download as CSV to download the report to the local system 
  16. Click on the Export button to export the data to a registered email address or the Cancel button to return to the view screen

Export inventory trends report

See article: How to export an inventory trends report?