• Transfer: Overview
  • Video Guide:
    • Perform a transfer transaction
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Transactions page
    • Perform transfer
    • View transfer transaction

Transfer: Overview

This operation is used to record transfers of stock between related entities. When a transfer is performed, the system automatically creates and records an issue and a receipt assigned to the entity issuing stock and the entity receiving stock respectively.



Navigate to the Create Transactions page

  1. Click on the Inventory tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Transactions sub-tab from the options in the drop-down list
  3. Select the Create Transactions tab

Perform Transfer

STEP 1 Enter details of the transaction

  1. Enter the entity name in the Entity search field
  2. Select the entity from the list, as soon as this is done a list of materials in that entity will appear in a box on the right
  3. Click on the edit icon near the Entity field to reset the choice and make another
  4. Select Transfer in the Transaction type field
  5. Click on the edit icon near the Transaction type field to reset the choice and make another
  6. Click on the Date of actual transaction field
  7. Select the Date of actual transaction
  8. Enter the first alphabet(s) of the customer name (entity to which the transfer is being made) in the Transfer to field
  9. Select the entity from the list
  10. There is a checkbox next to "Fetch and show current stock at the customer facility"
  11. Click on that to view the stock on hand at the customer PHC

Mandatory fields have a red asterisk near them. Fields can be set as mandatory or optional in the Configuration section.

STEP 2: Enter details of the material(s) that need to be transferred

  1. Click on the material tags icon to view the categories of materials
  2. Choose a category of materials to view ONLY materials within that category
  3. Choose the name from the list  - or 
  4. Enter the name in the text box below
  5. View the total amount of stock on hand at the vendor entity, along with the minimum and maximum quantity that should be stocked
  6. View the total amount of stock on hand at the customer entity, along with the minimum and maximum quantity that should be stocked
  7. The next column shows the amount of stock available for transfers (stock on hand minus allocated stock)
  8. Enter the amount of material to be transferred in the Quantity field
  9. Select the condition of the material
  10. Select a Reason for the transfer
  11. Multiple materials can be selected and updated in a single transaction, so continue with all the transfers
  12. Click on the Submit button to proceed with the transaction or on the Reset button to reset all the entries
  13. On clicking the Submit button, a pop-up window will notify you that the transaction has been successfully created

STEP 3: Enter details of batch-managed material(s)

  1. Choose the name from the list or enter the name in the text box
  2. View the total amount of stock on hand in the vendor entity, along with the minimum and maximum quantity that should be stocked
  3. View the total amount of stock on hand in the customer entity, along with the minimum and maximum quantity that should be stocked
  4. View the available stock, or the amount of stock available for transactions
  5. Click on the Enter by Batch button under the Quantity field
  6. Select a Reason for the transfer
  7. All available batches of the material will be displayed
  8. View the number of batches available (Sl No)
  9. View the unique Batch ID
  10. View the Manufactured date of the material
  11. View the name of the Manufacturer
  12. View the Expiry date of the material
  13. View the total amount of Stock on hand in the entity
  14. View the Available stock, or the amount of stock available for transactions
  15. Enter the amount of material to be transferred in the Quantity field
  16. Select the status of the material
  17. Click on the X to close the box and continue without saving
  18. Multiple materials can be selected and updated in a single transaction, so continue with all the transfers and click on Submit to save the entry or Reset to quit without saving
  19. A pop-up window will notify you that the transaction has been successfully created

View transfer transaction

  1. Go to the Inventory tab on the main menu
  2. Select the Transactions sub-tab from the options in the drop-down list
  3. A list of transactions will appear, you can confirm if the details entered are correct. A transfer results in three entries in the records:
    1. A transfer with details of the transaction
    2. An issue assigned to the issuing store, stock will decrease as a result of this transaction
    3. A receipt assigned to the receiving store, stock will increase as a result of this transaction