• Stock count: Overview
  • Video Guide:
    • Perform a stock count transaction
  • Text Guide:
    • Navigate to the Transactions page
    • Perform stock count
    • View stock count transaction

Stock count: Overview

Stock-taking  is the physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory or warehouse. This may be done to provide an audit of existing stock. It is also the source of stock discrepancy information, and the operation is used for adjusting the error in inventory in order to match it to the physical stock at the entity by batch.



Navigate to the Create Transactions page

  1. Click on the Inventory tab in the main menu
  2. Select the Transactions sub-tab from the options in the drop-down list
  3. Select the Create Transaction tab

Perform a Stock count

STEP 1: Enter details of the transaction

  1. Enter the first alphabet(s) of the entity name in the Entity search field
  2. Select an entity from the drop-down list that appears
  3. Click on the small Edit icon beside the Entity field to reset the choice and select another entity
  4. Select the Stock count as the type of operation in the Transaction type field
  5. Click on the small Edit icon beside the Transaction type field to reset the choice and select another type of transaction 
  6. Select the Date of actual transaction, the date the transaction is actually being performed
Mandatory fields have a red asterisk near them. Fields can be set as mandatory or optional in the CONFIGURATION section.

STEP 2: Enter details of the material(s) that need to be counted

  1. Click on the small Tag icon to view all the categories of materials that are listed
  2. Select a category to view only those materials listed within that category
  3. Scroll down the list and select a material
  4. Or enter the name in the text box below and select from a drop-down
  5. As soon as you choose/enter the material name, you can see the total amount of stock in the entity, along with the minimum quantity that should be stocked at the facility and maximum  quantity that should be stocked with the facility
  6. The next column shows the amount of stock available for transaction (stock that has not been allocated for use)
  7. Enter the actual amount of stock (after conducting a physical count) in the store/entity in the Quantity field
  8. Select the Reason  for performing a stock count:
    • Audit
    • Correction
  9. Multiple materials' stock counts can be updated in a single transaction, so continue with all stock counts
  10. If an entry needs to be deleted, click on the Trashcan icon on the right of the row
  11. Click on the Submit button to proceed with the transaction or on the Reset button in order to reset all the entries
  12. If the Submit button is selected, a pop-up will confirm that the transactions have been sent 

Enter stock count for batch-managed material

  1. Select a batch-managed material
  2. View Stock on hand, which is the material that currently exists at the facility, along with min and max figures
  3. View Available stock, which is stock that can be transacted
  4. Click on the Enter by batch button to open up a table that lists all available batches of that material
  5. View how many batches of the material are there in stock
  6. View the unique Batch ID
  7. View the Manufacturing date in dd/mm/yyyy
  8. View the Manufacturer's name
  9. View the Expiry date in dd/mm/yyyy
  10. View the Stock on hand within the entity
  11. View the Available stock within the entity
  12. Enter the Quantity of the stock at hand within the entity
  13. Select the Material status of the material
  14. Click on the blue + (plus) button to add a new batch of that material
  15. Enter the unique Batch ID  of the material
  16. Select the Manufacturing date from the drop-down calendar
  17. Enter the Manufacturer's name
  18. Select the Expiry date from the drop-down calendar
  19. If the quantity is not entered in the right multiples of units (value can be configured) a prompt will pop up to inform that an incorrect unit value has been entered
  20. Enter the correct Quantity in the right multiples 
  21. Select the Material status
  22. Click on the X on the top right of the Batches of material table to collapse the table (ALL CHANGES WILL BE LOST)
  23. Click on the trashcan icon to clear entries of that row
  24. Click on Save to save changes to all batch-managed materials or Cancel to quit without saving 
  25. Select the Reason for the stock count: Correction, Audit
  26. Continue with taking stock count of other materials
  27. When all the stock counting is done, click on Submit to submit the information or Reset to quit without sending

View stock count transaction

  1. Go to the Inventory tab on the main menu
  2. Select the Transactions sub-tab from the options in the drop-down list
  3. A list of the stock counts that were just performed will appear, you can confirm if the details entered are correct