• Type filter: Overview
  • Text Guide:
    • Filter using Type

Type filter: Overview

Filter transactions based on the operation performed on them:

  • Issues
  • Receipts
  • Stock Count
  • Discards
  • Transfers


Navigate to the Transactions page

To view transactions navigate to the Transactions page:

  1. Click on the INVENTORY tab in the main menu
  2. Select the TRANSACTIONS tab from the drop-down list
  3. You will see a list of the transactions within all the entities

Filter using Type field

View & export a list of transactions for an entity and for materials associated based on the type of operation

  1. Click on the Type field to expand the drop-down list and select the transaction by which you want to filter results
  2. Your results will appear in a tabular format
  3. You can export this information using the Export button

You can also use other filters in combination with Type such as:
  • Entity: This will allow you to choose a single entity
  • Material: This will give you a list of a single material within the entity
  • Type: View a single type of operation performed on that material
  • From & To: Get all transactions performed on that material within a specified date range
  • Vendor: View all transactions from a specified vendor
Remember that when you combine multiple tags or filters, only transactions that meet ALL selected criteria are shown, not transactions that meet ANY selected criteria.