• Messages: Overview
  • Text Guide
    • Navigate to materials page
    • Export materials


Navigate to the materials page

  1. Click on the Setup on the main menu
  2. Click on Materials in the drop-down menu
  3. View all the materials within the domain

Export material(s)

1. Click on the Export button

2. A message will pop up to inform that you have chosen to export all users (without any filters). Click on Ok to continue or CancelĀ to return to the main screen and apply filters

3. On clicking OK, a message will pop up to inform you that the export has been successful

4. Click on the User profile drop-down on the top right corner and click on the My Exports tabĀ 

5. View the exports already done, and click on the name of the file to open it and view the data

6. To view all the exports in the domain click on the checkbox and navigate to the file you wish to view