• Stock out prediction: Overview
  • Navigate to the Stock Out Prediction page
  • Filter by material tag
  • Filter by material tag

Navigate to the Stock Out Prediction page

  1. Click on Dashboards tab in the main menu
  2. Click on Overview on the drop-down list
  3. Click on the Stock Out Prediction tab

Filter by material tag

  1. Click on the filter icon to open the filter fields
  2. Click on the drop-down of the Material Tag field to view the tags
  3. Select a tag
  4. Select as many tags as you want to apply. You can combine multiple tags but only materials that are tagged with ALL selected keywords are shown, not materials that meet ANY selected keyword
  5. Click on the Filter button to apply filters or on the Cancel button to close the filter fields and return to the main menu
  6. The results of the filter can be viewed in the doughnut chart
  7. View the date and time the record was last updated
  8. Hover over the doughnut to view the total number of materials and the number of materials predicted to stock out 
  9. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS
  10. Scroll down to view the results by location on a map view
  11. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS
  12. The legend at the bottom of the screen displays the color code to interpret the map
  13. Click on the bar graph icon
  14. View the results in a bar view
  15. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS

The material tag filter can be used in combination with the entity tag filter (inclusion or exclusion)

The map and bar views can be further drilled down to view information of the next lower level in the echelon. At the lowest level, clicking the map or bar of a given entity takes users to the inventory view of that entity

Filter by material name

  1. Click on the filter icon to open the filter fields
  2. Click on the Material Name field to view the inventory
  3. Select a material to view the likelihood of stock out in 7 days. You can view data for ALL materials, or ANY ONE  material. You cannot select multiple materials in this field
  4. Another way to select a material is to begin typing out the first alphabet(s) of the material name, a list of all the materials starting with those alphabets will appear
  5. Choose from the available options
  6. Click on the Filter button to apply filters or on the Cancel button to close the filter fields and return to the main menu
  7. The results of the filter can be viewed in the doughnut chart
  8. View the date and time the record was last updated
  9. Hover over the doughnut to view the total number of materials and the number of materials predicted to stock out 
  10. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS
  11. Scroll down to view the results by location on a map view
  12. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS
  13. The legend at the bottom of the screen displays the color code to interpret the map
  14. Click on the bar graph icon
  15. View the results in a bar view
  16. Click on the small list icon to export a report to your system in the following formats: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, XLS
The material name filter can be used in combination with the entity tag filter (inclusion or exclusion)